New York AKA Babylon, the reservoir/cesspool/playgrounds of the international Goa trash jet set, the Israeli ex-Arsin faux-yordim and the Russian trance intelligentsia (AKA the Other White Meat) is still the largest psytrance community in the U.S.

Trance Americana is steadily building, refining, and fractalizing into the hinterlands: However, the double-edged sword of rampant file sharing coupled with new music, audio & Internet technology, fungus, memories of better times, and flat-out creativity has sustained the movement into the 21st century, positioning it for a true psychedelic Renaissance. That grave loss, coupled with the deaths of Timothy Leary and Terence McKenna not to mention the latest difficulties in LSD synthesis due to the discontinuance of the precursor Ergomar (the prescription drug that Elvis took for migraines) took the wind out of the late 90s psychedelic movement. trance in 2000 when the Feds busted a huge LSD operation run by a well-connected Harvard chemist in a missile silo in Kansas, supplying over a third of the planet. Where are we now? Basically, a bomb hit U.S. Like sex in public, trance is more thrilling in the cracks of fascist states. Al Gore, who almost became president, is a follower of Zen guru and trance enthusiast Ken Wilber. Its modern incarnation flowered with Acid Physicks (now Cal Sun)’s NYC bridge parties and Dutch’s rooftop Berkeley bashes and Goa Gil in the mid-’90s. But as Americans aren’t all fat-assed McDonald’s consumers, psytrance resists the consumer mindset, and the devoted & faithfully infected are spreading the trance virus, brain by brain. the psytrance backwater, conspicuous by its absence amongst psytrance strongholds worldwide. Written for Germany-based Mushroom Magazine’s Trancers Guide to the GalaxyĬAUTION/DISCLAIMER: the authors (and most of the contributors) are legally insaneĪh. Lost Interview with Deeper in Zen, 2004.2004 – Trance Americana in the 21st Century: Beyond Bicoastal, the Psy-Trance Virus spreads Inland.